Our next conservation work day will be on Tuesday 8th September from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm.

We’ll be working in the Nature Reserve under the supervision of Cheshire Wildlife Trust.
Please come and join the party – even if only for a short time, as many hands make light work.
Meet at the interpretation board in the Nature Reserve at 10:00 am or look for us within the Reserve at later times (up to 3:00 pm).
Be aware that we shall be operating under Coronavirus procedures.
- Only attend if you have been symptom-free for the government recommended time.
- The number of volunteers will be limited to thirty.
- Observe social distancing guidelines and work a minimum of two metres apart.
- Bring your own protective gloves and refreshments.
- Use the tools allocated to you and do not share.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kevin Griffiths