Conservation Work Day Report – 3rd March

We had a busy day on in the nature reserve. Our volunteers did a great job, completing lots of tasks, including:

  • Felling a tree
  • Clearing gorse from the heather beds
  • Clearing woody vegetation alongside Tabley Road
  • Removing alien plants
  • Planting Rowan trees
  • Repairing a nest box

The tree we cut down was behind the ‘Paws for Thought’ bench. We removed it for two reasons: 1) it was leaning over the bench and was liable to fall on it and 2) it was False Acacia tree, which is an alien species. Alien species, as they do not occur naturally in the UK, are unsuitable for a nature reserve.

We also removed other aliens – Rhododendron and Bay Laurel – from other locations on the site.

However, balanced against these removals, we planted half a dozen Rowan (Mountain Ash) saplings. These will be beneficial as they will provide berries to feed the wildlife.

Thanks to our fantastic volunteers for your time and to Cheshire Wildlife Trust for running the day.

Kevin Griffiths

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