Great British Spring Clean 2020

Great British Spring Clean Logo

Our next litter-pick will be part of the national Great British Spring Clean campaign. We are holding it on Sunday 22nd March, between 11am and 12pm.

The campaign is about demonstrating that you love where you live. Everyone loves The Heath so come on down and help clean it up.

Meet on The Heath at the corner of Tabley Road and Manchester Road at 11am.

Bring gardening gloves or equivalent.

“Many hands make light work!”

Kevin Griffiths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Consideration

In the light of the current COVID-19 health crisis, Keep Britain Tidy has chosen to postpone the GBSC campaign and reschedule it in September.

Our experience tells us that our litter-pick events have a low risk of virus transmission because they are held out of doors and our volunteers can easily maintain a safe distance between each other.

Therefore, we are not cancelling the event. It will go ahead as planned. But we want you to be aware of the following safety guidelines:

  • Do not attend if you feel unwell or are showing cold or flu like symptoms, stay home to protect yourself and others.
  • Wear gloves during the event at all times.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before and after your event.
  • Stay at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) away from other people whenever possible.

Please read our full health and safety guidance notes here. They will also be available at the event.

St John’s Wood Litterpick

P.S. We would like to draw your attention to anther GBSG event in Knutsford the weekend after ours. Cathryn Rachel is organising one in St John’s Wood on Saturday 28th March. Details are on the Facebook page.

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