Nurturing Haven for Wildlife

plantlife1Plantlife has launched a campaign to improve the management of grass verges to encourage wild flowers. They point out that over 97% of meadows have been destroyed in England since the 1930s. Now rural road verges are some of the last remaining stretches of natural habitat for our wildlife and with good management they can help compensate for lost meadows. They are advocating strategies for managing grass verges, including delaying cutting, to allow seed to be set.

Drift of Autumn HawkbitThe Heath, too, can play a part in supporting wild flowers. If the grassland were managed in a manner similar to that advocated by Plantlife for grass verges, it could become a better meadow habitat. Then we would enjoy a colourful vista in the middle of Knutsford and know that we are nurturing a haven for wildlife.

Kevin Griffiths

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