
Cheshire Wildlife Trust logo

The Heath is an important site for wildlife. It is a lowland heath which is rare in Cheshire. For this reason it is classified as a Local Wildlife Site (LWS) by the borough council and managed as a reserve by Cheshire Wildlife Trust.

The site has two parts: a meadow to the east and a wood to the west.

The meadow is classed as unimproved grassland which means it is not enriched by fertiliser. In this type of habitat grass grows slowly and wild flowers can thrive. Some of the flowers include: Autumn Hawkbit, Clover, Common Sorrel, Curled Dock, Meadow Buttercup, Pignut, Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal and Yarrow. The meadow is bounded by mature Lime trees.

The wood has been left to develop over time and now covers all but a small open area of sand in the centre. Cheshire Wildlife Trust is working to reverse the situation and restore more area to open heathland. The trees in the wood are mainly Oak, with an understorey of Holly, Willow, Elder and Rowan. Heather and Gorse grow in the open area. Elsewhere Wavy-hair Grass, Red Fescue, Rosebay Willowherb and Bramble occur.

The meadow flowers and Heather provide an important food source for butterflies, bees and other insects.

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