Interpretation Boards Installed

Friday brought the culmination of a project to install two interpretation boards on The Heath. The first, placed near the entrance from Northwich Road opposite Stanley Road, describes the flora and fauna to be found in the nature reserve. The second, placed near the drinking fountain on Manchester Road, explains significant events in the history of The Heath.

They were produced and installed in collaboration with Cheshire Wildlife Trust (CWT), who manage the nature reserve, and were funded by FoTH with a grant from Knutsford Town Council. They were installed by kind permission of Randle Brooks, owner of The Heath.

On Friday Joe Pimblett, the CWT Reserve Manager, delivered and installed the boards with help from five FoTH members: Joy Jones, Mike Cooper, Maryke Todd, Kevin Griffiths and Terry Griffiths.

We hope Knutsfordians will walk on The Heath and read the boards to learn about this wonderful open space.

Kevin Griffiths

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