Pub in the Park

Friends of The Heath have been informed of a proposal for a three-day event called “Pub in the Park” to be held on The Heath in September 2018. While we welcome the use of The Heath for events that benefit Knutsford we are concerned about the immediate and long-term damage that it may be caused to The Heath. We will liaise with the event organisers, Brand Events, to assess the likely impact of “Pub in the Park” and to seek mitigation.

10 thoughts on “Pub in the Park

  1. What is the event in aid of? Charity or just for fun? I think this would make a difference of who may attend?
    Janet Gosling, Tabley Road

  2. Hi Janet, thanks for your comment. We understand that it is not in aid of charity and proceeds will go to the event organisers, Brand Events. We will share what we learn. Kevin.

  3. I am delighted to hear that Friends of the Heath have concerns. Enclosing Common Land, thereby denying access to Commoners requires a special Section 38 permission because, regardless of ownership, this land is for public enjoyment and is protected as such. If allowed, this event could set a precedent that leads to many more similar events in the future. The ultimate end could be loss of the common land altogether as our rights will have been undermined. It strikes me that fencing off a large area of common land (and charging up to £28 per ticket to go on it) for private profit is unacceptable. Tatton Park is a terrific events venue right on our doorstep.

  4. Hi Sarah, thanks for responding to our post. We do indeed have concerns about the impact on The Heath. We met the organisers briefly when they were in Knutsford for the KTC Planning Committee meeting, to find out what they were planning and its impact. We will be seeking further clarification. We were unaware of the Section 38 issue so thank you for highlighting it. Kevin.

  5. I think it’s a fantastic idea. Surely the diesel consuming monstrosity of a fun fair that comes every May Day is worse for the heath?

  6. Hi Chris, you are right that the impact will be less than that caused by the May Day Fair. However, we should consider the cumulative impact of multiple events through the year, for instance the Scouts Car Boot Sale will happening around the same time, and also whether this may be setting a precedent for many more such events in the future. Events should be held in moderation to ensure The Heath is preserved in a healthy state so it can be enjoyed forevermore. Kevin.

  7. Another bottle neck for Knutsford? (or maybe another neck in the bottle). Can you imagine what the local pubs and restaurants are thinking. What’s next? Lets have a bonfire to promote Smoking. Once an up market town, fast becoming down market. The council is a joke to even consider it.Lets hope that you have some influence in stopping this nonsense. Good luck!!

  8. Hi John, thanks for your support. I’ve been told that local businesses are in favour of it because they think the visitors will spend in town before and after their event sessions. Kevin.

    1. Kevin, you may not be aware, but the average spend per head on this event in June this year was £110 after paying up to £28 just to get in (this is on the Brand Events website media pack). I think it highly unlikely many people will then decide to go spending even more around Knutsford as they stagger off the Heath following a 5-hour session including whisky and gin sampling. There will also be a massive shopping village. 38% of visitors travelled from further away than 5 miles, so with 3,500 people at each sitting that’s quite a few cars all around the unrestricted side streets.

      1. Interesting statistics. Those businesses who think the event will be good for them need to know. Do you have a channel of communication to them? Kevin.

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