BGB 2022 – The Results

Birdwatch 2022 - Group Photo

We were delighted to hold an RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch event on Sunday morning after missing last year due to the Covid restrictions. We split into three groups for an hour and covered all parts of The Heath, with members of the Knutsford Ornithological Society (KOS) providing their expertise.

In my group, Alan supplied the bird identities while Tom recorded the counts and Nick took the opportunity to collect litter we found along the way.

The combined records from the three groups surpassed those from previous years. We spotted Starlings for the first time, making a total of twenty-two species.

A Sparrowhawk looked spectacular as it circled in the bright open sky, hunting over The Heath, but we didn’t count it as it didn’t land.

The counts for this event and the previous ones are below.

Blackheaded Gull426 11
Blue Tit444653
Bullfinch   1 2
Buzzard 3 1  
Carrion Crow222322
Chaffinch1411 2
Coal Tit1 211 
Collared Dove 1  11
Dunnock    11
Feral Pigeon 2    
Great Spotted Woodpecker1111 1
Great Tit232413
Jay1   11
Kestrel  1   
Long-tailed Tit4381114
Pied Wagtail   2  
Redwing   5 6
Song Thrush111  2
Starling     3
Treecreeper 1 1 1
Wood Pigeon446785
Wren 111 1
BGB yearly comparison of the species showing the number of individuals seen at any one time. Records for 2021 were provided by Bob Groom alone.

Thanks to all who took part.

Kevin Griffiths

This article was amended on 1st February, following guidance from KOS on counting. The numbers were revised down by strictly adhering to the BGB rules, which state:
    • Please only include those birds that land, not those flying over.
    • Count the highest number of each bird species that you see at any one time, otherwise you could count the same bird twice.

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