Heath Spring Clean

Today’s litter pick, which was part of the Great British Spring Clean, was well supported. Our fantastic volunteers covered every corner of The Heath and collected twenty-one bags of rubbish.

Discarded Waggon Wheel
Discarded Wagon Wheel

Among the more unusual items was a stash of unopened beer bottles near Manchester Road and a waggon wheel under a holly tree that must have been hidden for many years. It was bedded into the ground and too heavy to shift, so we decided we would return to it in the future with equipment to move it.

We also found and removed a quantity of coloured ticker tape from the middle of the Big Heath where Gandeys Circus had been last month.

Surprisingly, several volunteers noted that the littering level was lower than expected. We attributed this to the remarkable work of two young people who have been regularly litter-picking on The Heath as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. We applaud their efforts!

We want to thank to everyone who helped out today. We couldn’t have done it without your support.

Wagon Wheel Ready for Collection
Wagon Wheel Ready for Collection


We were able to shift the wagon wheel a few weeks later and ANSA obligingly took it away.

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