Nest Boxes Installed

Today’s conservation work party comprised ten volunteers who helped at different times during the day. In the morning some cleared the burned gorse from the sand pit area while others installed nest boxes. In the afternoon a few of us pulled up silver birch saplings from the heather patch adjacent to the grassland. This will ensure that the heather can continue to thrive and not be swamped by encroaching woodland.

Thank you to Cheshire Wildlife Trust for running the event and to all our volunteers for your time and effort.

The nest boxes had been built by visitors on our Nature on The Heath event a few weeks before. For each box we have recorded the constructors and its installed location.

Nest Box Locations v2

The box constructors were:

  1. Broadie Bobbie Armitage
  2. Grace & Dexter McCarthy
  3. Patrick Jones
  4. Dylan Farrance-Watts
  5. Daniel & Molly Gilbert
  6. James Strong

The map shows the location of each box.

We will monitor them to see which birds take up residence.

Kevin Griffiths

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