Winter Tree Planting

Thursday, January 18th, was the coldest morning of the winter, with the temperature well below freezing. However, it was bright and sunny, and our volunteers were well wrapped up. Our task was to plant six trees in the nature reserve to replace those Ash trees along Ladies Mile that had been infected with Ash Dieback... Continue Reading →

Queen Elizabeth II Oak Revealed

Friends of The Heath and Knutsford Heritage Centre did an exceptional job on 5th October, clearing away holly and brambles to make the Queen Elizabeth II commemorative oak visible after being hidden for many years. Eight volunteers, led by Jamie White of Cheshire Wildlife Trust, quickly completed the work in just three hours. Thanks to... Continue Reading →

October Volunteering

We shall undertake two tasks during the first half of October; both require the help of our wonderful volunteers. 1. Uncovering Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Oak Our tree survey two years ago found an oak near Ladies Mile and Warren Close; the tree was surrounded by iron railings. We were baffled about its significance until... Continue Reading →

Nature Action Plan Tree Planting

The Town Ranger, Bob Garner, is busy leading the community in planting trees during the school half-term holiday. During his Tuesday sessions, two trees were added to the The Heath and three to Ladies Mile. With local helpers, we planted two Sweet Chestnuts on The Heath, near the bowling green wall; then two more Sweet... Continue Reading →

Tree Survey

During September and October, a band of dedicated volunteers spent a few hours each week on The Heath, recording all the 'mature' trees. The group, including members of Friends of The Heath and students from Knutsford High School, completed their task at the beginning of November, just before the leaves fell. They recorded more than... Continue Reading →

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