Tree Survey

During September and October, a band of dedicated volunteers spent a few hours each week on The Heath, recording all the ‘mature’ trees. The group, including members of Friends of The Heath and students from Knutsford High School, completed their task at the beginning of November, just before the leaves fell.

They recorded more than one thousand trees; oak being the most frequent, with lime and birch following in second and third places.

Knutsford Heath Tree Map
Knutsford Heath ‘Mature’ Tree Map

The exercise was part of a town-wide tree census sponsored by Knutsford Town Council’s Nature Action Plan. Armed with the information collected, they will be able to plan future tree maintenance and planting.

If you would like to get involved with improving the tree cover in the town, get in touch with the Town Council. They will need help in December with a tree planting exercise.

Knutsford Mature Tree Survey

The survey aims to record all the mature (large) trees in Knutsford’s public spaces, including streets, greens and parks. It is looking for all trees taller than an average two-storey house.

Each tree is recorded with its attributes:

  • Species
  • Approximate height
  • Measured girth
  • Approximate age
  • Condition
  • Location

Kevin Griffiths

2 thoughts on “Tree Survey

  1. Hi Kevin I’ve got a couple of ideas for you if you would like to meet up on the heath and I can run them by you

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