Great Big Green Week

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“Great Big Green Week will unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country will celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change.”

This year, the town is participating in a nationwide community effort to help the planet. Several events have been organised. We encourage you to join in as many as possible, particularly the two associated with The Heath: the wildflower sowing along Ladies Mile on Friday, 30th September and the litter pick on Sunday, 2nd October.

  • The Friday sowing on Ladies Mile will be led by Cheshire Wildlife Trust, who will provide seeds harvested from local wildflower sites such as Swettenham Meadows. It is scheduled for a one o’clock start.
  • The Sunday litter pick will start at eleven o’clock and run for an hour. We will meet on The Heath near the entrance at the junction of Manchester Road and Tabley Road.

For both events, you only need to bring gardening gloves or equivalent; all other equipment will be provided for you.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Please read our health and safety guidance notes for the litter pick.

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